Let’s solve the CO2 Gigatonne problem
Australian Natural Capital partners with large land owners to help turn 150 M hectares of Australia’s rangeland into one of the world’s largest soil carbon sinks.
Australian rangeland soils have been forecast to have a CO2 drawdown potential of approximately 500 MTCO2e/year.

UNited nations SUSTAINABLE DEvelopment GOALS

Australia's carbon credit demand to surpass issuances by 2028

The Australian Government forecast that Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) demand from the Safeguard Mechanism Scheme is expected to increase from less than 1 M in 2022 to 26 M in 2030.
demand driving ACCU price
CBA (2023) expects incremental ACCU demand will lift by 105-110 million tonnes until FY31.
The price for ACCUs to rise to A$60/MTCO2e
($39.61/MTCO2e) or higher by 20301.
carbon & international trade
The EU's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) will drive export-led companies to procure ACCUs to comply with Net Zero requirements to decarbonise international trade.
Disclaimer: This information does not constitute financial advice. ANC recommends seeking independent financial services.
not all countries can achieve net zero
With border adjustment mechanisms, Net Zero compliance at the country level could drive demand for ACCUs as individual countries strive to meet their Kyoto commitments.
Why Australian natural capital?
Australian Natural Capital uses unique, proprietary systems that enable superior animal production, soil carbon sequestration, accuracy of measurement & quality in measurement, verification and reporting (MRV). This makes soil carbon accessible at large scales, maximises agricultural returns and land values, minimises cost for soil carbon projects and delivers more ACCUs.
Combined with practical implementation for landholders and quality delivery systems, this makes soil carbon very attractive.

Maximum ACCU generation
Australian Natural Capital’s proprietary system maximises returns for our clients by generating more ACCUs per project.
Lower, tailored commission structure, ensures more cost-effective projects.

Precision measurement
Australian Natural Capital is a leader in soil carbon measurement.
Precision: Patented systems, proprietary technology, and cutting-edge methodologies, reduce measurement variability.
Accuracy: Building Australia’s most comprehensive soil carbon database (1.7 M hectares and counting).
Scalability: Ability to monitor soil carbon at any scale, from individual farms to multi station operations.
Compliance: Vetted and approved by the Clean Energy Regulator auditors.

Our projects and Australian Rangeland Credits (ARCs) directly help achieve 8 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Increased agricultural asset value and production, landscape health, and diversified revenue streams.
Practical for implementation at large scales, with a variety of commercial frameworks